Daniel Ogenrwot


Tel: +1 (702)-895-4216

Office: Room 4217 SEB

Hello! I am a Graduate Assistant & PhD student at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in the Department of Computer Science. I work at the Software Evolution (EVOL) Lab headed by Professor John Businge. Prior to this position, I was an Assistant Lecturer of Computer Science at Gulu University and a Research Fellow at AirQo Project working with Prof. Engineer Bainomugisha. I obtained MSc. Computer Science degree from Makerere University, Uganda, under the mentorship of Dr. Joyce Nakatumba-Nabende and Prof. Michel R.V. Chaudron.

Research Works

My research focuses empirical software research, patch & clone detection, mining software repositories (MSR), software re-engineering and machine learning in software engineering. For complete list of my research publications, go to Google Scholar or ORCID.
